Appel à candidatures Prix Maurice Allais de Science Économique 2025

Call for submissions The 2025 Maurice Allais Prize in Economic Science

Continuation given to Maurice Allais’s works

By Jean-Bernard Deloly

It is essentially in mechanics that his works had a continuation: in optics there was very little, and with very insufficient means, and we cannot really draw new conclusions. As regards the mechanics a significant number of observations was done, with admittedly limited means, but some of them however yielded extremely interesting results.

They have for the main part been devoted to the search for anomalies during eclipses (the “Allais’s effect”, so called on the occasion of the solar eclipse of August 11th, 1999).

Several types of devices were used: pendulums, of course, but also torsion balances, torsion pendulums, static pendulums, gravimeters, inclinometers…

The most significant results are those resulting from correlated observations: simultaneous use of several devices, possibly different, and possibly in several places.

The fact that, on the occasion of solar eclipses, occur apparently inexplicable phenomena appears today established. Note that their existence is not linked to the fact that the eclipse is visible or not the place from the place of observation.

The results of the very few observations using pendulums over sufficiently long durations  were all in the sense of the confirmation of Maurice Allais’s results as regards the existence of lunar periodic components of unexplained amplitude, as well as the time-varying privileged direction towards which the the plan of oscillation of the pendulum tended to align itself.

Some observations raise the question of the existence of a detectable influence of planets on the surface of the Earth (especially Jupiter), and suggest that “Allais effect” could be a case of a more general “sizygy effect”.

An state of the situation was done in “Continuation given to Maurice Allais’s experimental works – State of the situation” (J.B.DELOLY, 06/27/2018)