The 2025 Maurice Allais Prize in Economic Science
(20 000 Euro endowment)
The Maurice Allais Foundation, under the aegis of the Mines Paris Foundation, has decided to establish a Maurice Allais Prize in Economic Science. The Prize will be awarded every second year on the anniversary of Maurice Allais’s birthday, May 31, or around that anniversary date.
Beyond the determination to honor and perpetuate the memory of one of the greatest names in French economic thought, the Foundation aims, by awarding this prize, to favor extensions of Maurice Allais’s work. To this end, economic research along the lines laid down by Maurice Allais and which he pursued throughout his life are to receive guidance and encouragement subject to loyalty to the spirit of Maurice Allais’s scientific approach.
The Maurice Allais Prize will be awarded for the seventh time in 2025 and will be endowed with 20 000 Euros in total, to be when relevant shared between laureate(s) and nominee(s).
Under exceptional circumstances, if it appears impossible to decide between two submissions, the Jury may decide to jointly award the Prize and consequently to split up the grant equally between the co-awardees.
Beyond the Prize Laureate (or Laureates, in case of cosigned chapter(s) of book or article), the Jury may decide to designate another candidate (or other candidates in case of cosigned chapter(s) of book or article) as being “nominee(s)” in view of the quality of the submitted work. In such a case, the amount of the Prize awarded to the Laureate(s) is 15,000 Euros and an amount of 5,000 Euros is awarded to the nominee(s). If the Jury does not designate “nominee(s)”, the amount of the Prize awarded to the Laureate(s) is 20,000 Euros.
The award ceremony is scheduled on May 27, 2025.
The Maurice Allais Prize rewards a research work – article or chapter(s) of book, see Rules of the Maurice Allais Prize for more details. All topics in Economic Science may be dealt with.
Although the set of all elements listed below does not constitute any prerequisite, the jury will prioritize scientific works entailing:
- A scrupulous and careful analysis of empirical facts in their different dimensions, both temporal (periods) as well as spatial (countries), without any preconceived view;
- A review of existing theories and of their ineffectiveness in explaining facts and observed behaviors;
- A construction of the theoretical model making clearly explicit its assumptions, their implications and their plausibility in view of observed facts;
- A comparison of the results derived from the model with past data, with particular attention to the validity of these results in time and space;
- When meaningful, a confrontation in a rigorous framework of methods and models derived from disciplines neighboring economics to the ones of economics as strictly defined.
- Works bearing on the general domains of Maurice Allais’ writings will be particularly taken into consideration.
Applications to compete for the Prize should be received in electronic form, by midnight, February 2, 2025 at the latest, at the following address:
Download the Rules governing the 2025 Maurice Allais Economics Prize
Download the Submission Form 2025 Maurice Allais Economics Prize
For more information about Maurice Allais :
“Maurice Allais (1911-2010, X1931) Toujours méconnu ?”