This bibliography of Maurice Allais’s main writings is set out by the thematic classification used by Allais himself in his study “La passion de la recherche” [The passion for research] (2001, Editions Clément Juglar).
Each entry includes two dates : the first, before the title, denoting when it was written and the second the date of publication (after the publishing details).
Basic Economics
Theory of economic dynamics and of general economic equilibrium, maximum efficiency and the foundations of economic calculation
1943 À la recherche d’une discipline économique – Première partie – L’économie pure [In Search of an Economic Discipline– Part One – The Pure Economy]
First edition, Ateliers Industria, 1943, 852 pp. and Appendices, 68 pp.
Second edition, 1952, published with the support of the CNRS, under the title :
Traité d’économie pure [Treatise on Pure Economics], Imprimerie Nationale, 5 quarto vols., 984 pp. This edition differs from the first only by the addition of an Introduction to the second edition (63 pp.)
Third edition, 1994, with a new Introduction of 156 pp., Éditions Clément Juglar
Charles Dupin Prize 1954 awarded by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
1945 Economie pure et rendement social [Pure Economics and Social Efficiency]
Paris, Sirey, 1945, 72 pp.
And Annales des Mines et des Carburants, January-February 1945, pp. 61-127
1947 Economie et intérêt [Economy and Interest]
Cf. below “Theory of intertemporal processes and of optimal capitalistic structure”
1948 Le concept d’équilibre en économie politique [The Concept of equilibrium in political economy]
Travaux du Congrès des économistes de langue française [Proceedings of the Congress of French-speaking Economists], 1948, Éditions Domat-Montchrestien, 1949, pp. 66-70
1967 Les conditions de l’efficacité dans l’économie [The Conditions of Efficiency in the Economy]
Paper presented at the Fourth International Seminar organized at Rapallo by the Milan Study and Research Centre on Socio-Economic Problems, 12-14 September 1967
Centro studi e richerche su problemi economico-sociali, Milan, 1967, 145 pp.
Italian version :
Le condizioni dell’efficienza nell economia [The Conditions of Efficiency in the Economy]
published in the jointly-written volume Programmazione e progresso economico [Planning and economic progree], Centro studi e richerche su problemi economico-sociali, Milan, 1969, pp. 13-153, 169-181, 207-208 and 221-242.
1967 Les fondements du calcul économique [The Foundations of Economic Calculation]
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 3 volumes, 145, 284 and 149 pp.
1968 The Conditions of Efficiency in the Economy
Economia Internazionale, vol. XXI, n° 3, Genoa, pp. 3-24
1971 Les théories de l’équilibre économique général et de l’efficacité maximale – Impasses récentes et nouvelles perspectives [Theories of General Economic Equilibrium and Maximum Efficiency – Recent impasses and new prospects]
Paper presented at the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 2-6 June 1971
Revue d’économie politique, May-June 1971, n° 3, pp. 331-409
Spanish version :
Las teorías del equilibrio económico general y de la eficacia máxima – Recientes callejones sin salida y nuevas perspectivas [Theories of General Economic Equilibrium and Maximum Efficiency – Recent impasses and new prospects]
El trimestre económico – Mexico – July-September 1972, vol. XXXIX (3), num. 155, pp. 557-633
English Version :
Theories of General Economic Equilibrium and Maximum Efficiency
Paper presented at the Conference organised by the Institute for advanced studies, Vienna, 3-5 July 1974 and published in the jointly-written work Equilibrium and disequilibrium in economic theory – D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1977, pp. 129-201
(The English version differs from the French version only by a few minor additions, notably to footnote 18.)
1973 La théorie générale des surplus et l’apport fondamental de Vilfredo Pareto [The general theory of surplus and Pareto’s fundamental contribution]
Special edition of the Revue d’économie politique to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Pareto’s death, November-December 1973, n° 6, 83ème année, pp. 1044-1097
English version :
The general theory of surplus and Pareto’s fundamental contribution
Convegno Internazionale Vilfredo Pareto (Rome, 25-27 October 1973), Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1975, pp. 109-163
1975 Les implications de rendements croissants et décroissants sur les conditions de l’équilibre économique général et d’une efficacité maximale [The implications of rising and falling outputs on the conditions of general economic equilibrium and maximum efficiency]
Contribution to the multi-author work : Hommage à François Perroux [In Honour of François Perroux], Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1978, pp. 605-674
1978 La théorie générale des surplus [The General Theory of Surpluses]
Economie et sociétés, Paris, January-May 1981, Institut de Sciences Mathématiques et Economiques, 2 vol., 718 pp.
Second edition, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1989
1984 The concepts of surplus and loss, and the reformulation of the general theory of economic equilibrium and maximum efficiency
A paper published in the volume entitled Production and exchange – The Foundations of economic knowledge, M. Baranzini et R. Scazzieri, publishers, Blackwell Oxford, 1985, pp. 135-174
1987 The equimarginal principle. Meaning, limits and generalization
Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, vol. 34, 1987, n° 8, pp. 689-750
1987 Economic surplus and the equimarginal principle
The New Palgrave. A Dictionary of Economics, Macmillan, vol. 2, pp. 62-69, 1987
1990 The general theory of surpluses as a formalization of the underlying theoretical thought of Adam Smith, his predecessors and his contemporaries
In Adam Smith’s Legacy, ed. Michael Fry, pp. 29-62 and 166-197, Routledge, London
Theory of intertemporal processes and of optimal capitalistic structure
1947 Economie et intérêt [Economy and Interest]
Imprimerie Nationale et Librairie des Publications Officielles, Paris, 800 pages in two volumes, 1947
Second édition, 1998, with a new Introduction of 265 pages, Editions Clément Juglar
1947 Rendement social et productivité sociale [Social efficiency and social productivity]
Paper presented at the International Econometric Congress in Washington D.C. in September 1947.
Résumé, Proceedings of the International Statistical Conference, 1947, vol. V, pp. 129-131 Econometrica, vol. 16, 1948, pp. 65-66
1948 Intérêt et productivité sociale [Interest and Social Productivity]
Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, September-October 1948, vol. 89, pp. 355-380
1949 Taux d’intérêt, période de production et répartition des facteurs primaires de production [The rate of interest, period of production and distribution of the primary factors of production]
Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, November-December 1949, pp. 441-458
1955 L’analyse des relations entre le capital et la production [Analysis of the relations between capital and production]
Proceedings of the Congress of French-speaking economists, 24 May 1955, Editions Domat-Montchrestien, 1956, pp. 188-223
1960 Influence du coefficient capitalistique sur le revenu réel par tête [The influence of the capital-output ratio on real national income]
Paper presented at the Tokyo Congress (June 1960) of the International Statistical Institute, document 61, 70 pp. and vol. XXXVIII, 2, Tokyo, 1961, pp. 3-27
Spanish version :
Influencia del coeficiente de capital sobre el ingreso nacional real per cabeza [The influence of the capital-output ratio on real national income]
Revista de Economia y Estadistica, 3rd et 4th quarters 1966, Xth year, n° 3 and 4, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentine
1961 The influence of the capital-output ratio on real national income
Walras Bowley Lecture, American meeting of the Econometric Society, New-York, 28 December 1961
Econometrica, vol. 30, n° 4, October 1962
This paper was republished in Readings in Welfare Economics, American Economic Association, vol. XII, 1969, pp. 682-714, with an Additional Note (pp. 711-714).
1963 Some analytical and practical aspects of the theory of capital
Paper presented at the Cambridge Congress of the International Economic Association (July 1963)
Published in the multi-author work : Activity analysis in the theory of growth and planning, edited by E. Malinvaud and M.O.L Bacharach. Macmillan, London, and St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1967, pp. 64-107
1963 The role of capital in economic development
Paper presented during the Study Week organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the role of econometric analysis in formulating development plans (Rome, 7-13 October 1963)
Published in the volume entitled Le rôle de l’analyse économétrique dans la formulation de plans de développement [The Role of Econometric Analysis in the Formulation of Develoment Plans], Pontificiæ Academiæ Scientiarum Scripta Varia, 28, Pontificia Academia Scientiarum, 1965, Vol. II, pp. 697-1002.
Also published in The econometric approach to development planning, North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam et Rand MacNally, Chicago, 1965, pp. 697-1002
1966 Produit national brut réel, revenu national réel et fonction de Cobb-Douglas [Real Gross National Product, Real National Income and Cobb-Douglas Function]
Paper presented at the International Symposium on Statistics as a Methodology in Social Sciences, University of Rome, 13-15 March 1966.
Paper published in the multi-author work La statistica come metodologia delle scienze sociali, in honour of Professor Gini, Statistical Institute, Rome 1966.
And in: Econometrica, Vol. XXV, No 1-4, 31 XII 1966, pp. 310-355.
1966 L’impôt sur le capital [Capital taxation]
Droit social, No 29, Numéro spécial, September-October 1966, pp. 465-544. Librairie Sociale et Économique, 3, rue Soufflot, Paris 5e.
1978 Les incidences quant à l’efficacité sur l’économie d’un impôt général sur le capital [The impact on the efficiency of the economy of a general tax on capital]
Paper presented at the International Colloquium on the Accumulation and Distribution of Wealth, Centre de Recherche Économique sur l’Épargne and Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, Paris, 5-7 July, 1978.
Study published in the multi-author work Accumulation et Répartition des Patrimoines [Accumulation and distribution of wealth], Éditions Economica, 1982, pp. 219-233.
Theory of random choice and criteria for rational decision-making
1952 La généralisation des théories de l’équilibre économique général et du rendement social au cas du risque [Extension of the theories of general economic equilibrium and maximum efficiency to the case of risk]
Paper presented at the Paris International Symposium of the CNRS on the Foundations and applications of the theory of risk in econometry, Paris, 12-17 May 1952.
Published in the multi-author volume Econométrie, Collection des Colloques internationaux du CNRS [Econometry, Digest of the international symposia of the CNRS], vol. XL, Paris, 1953, pp. 81-120
1952 Fondements d’une théorie positive des choix comportant un risque et critique des postulats et axiomes de l’école américaine [The foundations of a positive theory of choice involving risk and a criticism of the postulates and axioms of the American school]
Joint paper drafted following the debates at the Paris International Symposium
Acts of the Symposium, pp. 257-332
Paper republished with some minor additions in a special number of the Annales des Mines and as a separate volume by the Imprimerie nationale (56 pp. quarto)
English translation published in 1979, see below
1952 La psychologie de l’homme rationnel devant le risque. La théorie et l’expérience [The psychology of the rational man in the face of risk. Theory and Experience]
Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, January-March 1953, pp. 47-73
1952 L’extension des théories de l’équilibre économique général et du rendement social au cas du risque [Extension of the theories of general economic equilibrium and maximum efficiency to the case of risk]
Econometrica, vol. 21, n° 2, April 1953, pp. 269-290
1952 Le comportement de l’homme rationnel devant le risque. Critique des postulats et axiomes de l’école américaine [The behaviour of the rational man in the face of risk. Criticism of the postulates and axioms of the American school]
Econometrica, vol. 21, n° 4, October 1953, pp. 503-546
1954 Evaluation des perspectives économiques de la recherche minière sur de grands espaces. Application au Sahara Algérien [Method of appraising economic prospects of mining exploration over large territories. Algerian case study]
Study realized for the Algerian Bureau of Mineral Research
Paper presented at the Petropolis Congress of the International Statistical Institute (Brazil), June 1955 and at the Mining Industry Centenary Congress in Paris, June 1955.
Published in the Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, vol. XXXV, 4, Rio de Janeiro, 1957, pp. 89-140
And in the “Revue de l’industrie minérale”, Paris, January 1956, pp. 329-383
English version:
Method of appraising economic prospects of mining exploration over large territories. Algerian case study
Management Science, vol.3, n°4, July 1957
Lanchester Prize 1958 awarded by the John Hopkins University and the US Operational Research Society
Fuller version published by the Algerian Bureau of Mineral Research, Alger, 1957, 101 pp.
1954 Illustrations d’une stratégie optimum vis-à-vis du risque : Le choix entre la sécurité et son coût relativement à la construction de digues protectrices en Hollande : Le problème du marchand de journaux [Illustrations of an optimal risk strategy : the Choice between safety and its cost with regard to the construction of dykes in Holland : the problem of the newspaper salesman]
Study realized for the Algerian Bureau of Mineral Research
Text reproduced in Allais, 1956, Cours d’économie générale [General Economics Course], vol. II, ENSMP, pp. 261 and 271-275
1954 Observations sur la théorie des jeux [Observations on Game Theory]
Proceedings of the 1954 Congress of French-Speaking Economists, Editions Domat-Montchrestien, 1955, pp. 143-163
1957 Sur la théorie des choix aléatoires [On random choice theory]
Revue d’économie politique, 1957, n° 3, pp. 381-390
1979 Expected utility hypothesis and the Allais paradox ; Contemporary discussions of decisions under uncertainty with Allais’ rejoinder, Maurice Allais and Ole Hagen editors, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1979, 714 pp.
Personal Contributions :
- Foreword (pp. 3-11)
- The foundations of a positive theory of choice involving risk and a criticism of the postulates and axioms of the American school (pp. 25-145)
(English translation of the paper “Fondements d’une théorie positive des choix comportant un risque et critique des postulats et axiomes de l’école américaine”, vol. XL, Econométrie, Colloques internationaux du CNRS, Paris, 1953) - The so-called Allais paradox and rational decisions under uncertainty (pp. 434-698)
1983 The foundations of theory of utility and risk
Published in the multi-author work Progress in decision theory, edited by O. Hagen et F. Wenstop, First International Congress on Utility and Risk Theory, Oslo 1982, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1984, pp. 3-131
1984 Determination of cardinal utility according to an intrinsic invariant model
Published in the multi-author work Recent development in the foundations of utility and risk theory, pp. 83-120, L. Daboni, A. Montesano and M. Lines, editors (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory, Venice, 1984), Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1986
1985 Three theorems on the theory of cardinal utility and random choices
In Essays in honour of Werner Leinfellner, Theory and Decision, G. Heberlein and H. Berguel, editors, pp. 205-221, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1987
1985 The Allais paradox
The New Palgrave. A Dictionary of Economics, vol. 1, p.78-80, Macmillan, 1987
1986 The general theory of random choices in relation to the invariant cardinal utility function and the specific probability function. A general overview
Published in the multi-author work Risk, decision and rationality, B. Munier, editor, Third International Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theories, Aix-en-Provence, June 1986. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1987, pp. 233-289
1986 A New Neo-Bernoullian Theory : The Machina Theory – A Critical Analysis
Published in the multi-author work Risk, decision and rationality, B. Munier, editor, Third International Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theories, Aix-en-Provence, June 1986. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1987, pp. 347-403
1988 Cardinal utility. History, empirical findings and applications
Published in the multi-author work Progress in decision, utility and risk, Attila Chikan editor, pp. 1-42, Fourth international Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theories, Budapest, June 1988. Kluwer Publishing Company, 1989.
1992 An outline on my main contributions to the risk and utility theory, experience and applications. General overview
Published in the multi-author work Models and experiments in risk and rationality, Munier and Machina, editors, Sixth International Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theories, Cachan, 1992. Kluwer Publishing Company, 1994, pp. 173-221
1994 Cardinalism. A fundamental approach, Maurice Allais and Ole Hagen, editors, Kluwer Publishing Company, 1994
Personal Contributions :
- Absolute satisfaction (pp. 1-29)
- Determination of cardinal utility according to an intrinsic invariant model, 1984 (pp. 31-64)
- Cardinal utility, history, empirical findings and applications, 1988 (pp. 65-103)
- The fundamental cardinalist approach and its prospects (pp. 289-306)
1995 The Allais impossibility theorem
Theory and decision, vol. 38, pp. 251-299 et 309-311
Theory of Money, Credit and Monetary Dynamics
1947 Economie et intérêt [Economy and Interest]
see above under “Theory of intertemporal processes and of optimal capitalistic structure”
1949 La prétendue égalité de l’épargne et de l’investissement [The alleged equality of savings and investment]
Proceedings of the 1949 Congress of French-speaking economists, Editions Domat-Montchrestien, 1950, pp. 230-235
1953 Illustration de la théorie monétaire des cycles économiques par des modèles monétaires non linéaires [Illustration of the monetary theory of economic cycles using non-linear monetary models]
Paper submitted to the European Congress of the Econometric Society, Innsbruck, 2 September 1953
A summary of this paper and of the ensuing discussion appeared in Econometrica, January 1954, pp. 116-120.
1954 Les fondements comptables de la macroéconomique. Les équations comptables entre quantités globales et leurs applications [The accounting foundations of macroeconomics. The accounting equations between global quantities and their applications]
Presses universitaires de France, Paris, 1954, 92 pp.
Second edition, March 1993
1954 Explication des cycles économiques par un modèle non linéaire à régulation retardée [Explanation of economic cycles using a delayed-adjustment non-linear model]
Paper delivered at the European Congress of the Econometric Society, Uppsala, 4 August 1954.
Econometrica, Vol. VIII, April 1956, Fascicule I, pp. 4-83.
1955 Explication des cycles économiques par un modèle non linéaire à régulation retardée – Mémoire complémentaire [Explanation of economic cycles using a delayed-adjustment non-linear model – complementary paper]
Paper published in the multi-author work Les modèles dynamiques en économétrie [Dynamic Models in Econometrics], Collection des colloques internationaux, CNRS, vol. LXII, Paris, 1956, pp. 259-308
1964 A restatement of the quantity theory of money
Paper delivered at the International Congress of the Econometric Society, Rome, September 1964
Published in The American Economic Review, vol. LVI, n° 5, December 1966, pp. 1123-1156
1965 Reformulation de la théorie quantitative de la monnaie [A restatement of the quantity theory of money]
Editions SEDEIS (205, bd St-Germain, Paris 7ème), in 4°, September 1965, 186 pp.
Paper submitted to the 35th Congress of the International Statistical Institute (Belgrade, September 1965)
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Acts of the 35th Session, vol. XLI, 2nd livraison, 1966, pp. 905-947
1967 Monnaie et développement [Money and Development]
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 1968, 3 volumes, 205, 189 and 119 pp.
1968 Oubli et intérêt [Forgetfulness and Interest]
Centre d’Analyse Economique, April 1970, 137 pp.
1968 Growth and inflation
American Bankers Association, Conference of University Monetary Economists, Ditchley Park, 10-13 September 1968
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, August 1969, pp. 355-426 and 427-462
1969 A reply to Michael R. Darby’s comment on Allais’ restatement of the quantity theory
American Economic Review, June 1970, pp. 447-456
1970 Le taux d’intérêt psychologique [The Psychological Rate of Interest]
Centre d’Analyse Economique, December 1970, 106 pp.
1970 Les conditions monétaires du développement économique [The Monetary Conditions of Economic Development]
Université de Paris X, 1970, fascicules I to V, 315 pp.
1972 Forgetfulness and interest
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, February 1972, pp. 40-71
1972 La signification économique de la formulation héréditaire et relativiste de la demande de monnaie. Circularité, “spurious correlation”, “misspecification”, ou relation structurelle réelle. Réponse à la note de Scadding [The economic significance of the hereditary and relativistic formulation of the demand for money ; “circular reasoning,” “misspecification” or a real structural relation? (A reply to Scadding’s note)]
Centre d’Analyse Economique, 18 September 1972, 137 pp.
1973 Le concept de monnaie, la création de monnaie et de pouvoir d’achat par le mécanisme du crédit et ses implications [The concept of money, creation of money and of purchasing power by the credit mechanism and its implications]
Contribution to the multi-author work Essais en l’honneur de Jean Marchal, Editions Cujas, Paris, 1975, vol. 2, La monnaie, pp. 106-145
1974 The psychological rate of interest
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, August 1974, pp. 285-331
1975 The hereditary and relativistic formulation of the demand for money ; circular reasoning or a real structural relation? (A reply to Scadding’s note)
American Economic Review, June 1975, vol. LXL, number 3, pp. 454-464
1976 Taux d’expansion de la dépense globale et vitesse de circulation de la monnaie [Rate of Expansion of Total Expenditure and Velocity of Monetary Circulation]
Contribution to the multi-author work Mélanges offerts à Henri Guitton
Dalloz-Sirey, Paris, 1976, pp. 121-156
1980 La formulation héréditaire et relativiste de la demande de monnaie et du taux d’intérêt [The hereditary and relativistic formulation of the demand for money and of the rate of interest]
Conference and Seminar 5-6 May 1980, Department of Econometrics, University of Geneva
Text reproduced in “Fondements de l’analyse monétaire et conjoncturelle”, V, pp. 105-177, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 1980
1980 Analyse des séries temporelles, Facteur X [Analysis of temporal series, Factor X]
Scientific Activity Report of the Centre d’Analyse Economique, CNRS, June 1980, pp. 19-39
1984 The credit mechanism and its implications
Contribution to the multi-author work Arrow and the foundations of the theory of economic policy, edited by George R. Feiwell, pp. 491-561, Macmillan Press, 1987, 758 pp.
1984 A new empirical approach of the hereditary and relativistic theory of the demand for money
In “Articole in memoria di Tullio Bagiotti”, A. Agnati, D. Cantarelli et A. Montesano, editors, Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e comerciali, October-November 1985, n° 10-11, pp. 909-948
1986 The empirical approaches of the hereditary and relativistic theory of the demand for money: results, interpretation, criticisms and rejoinders
Economia della Scelte Pubbliche, Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice (Fondazione Luigi Einaudi), 1986, pp. 3-83
2001 Les fondements de la dynamique monétaire [The Foundations of Monetary Dynamics]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2001, 1304 pp.
Probability theory and the analysis of time series and of their exogenous components
1957 Test de périodicité – Généralisation du test de Schuster au cas de séries temporelles auto corrélées [Periodicity test – A Generalization of Schuster’s test to the case of autocorrelated temporal series]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 244, 13 May 1957, n° 20, pp. 2469-2471
1957 Application du test de Schuster généralisé à l’analyse harmonique des mouvements du pendule paraconique [Application of the generalized Schuster test to the harmonic analysis of the movements of the paraconical pendulum]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 245, 23 December 1957, n° 26, pp. 2467-2470
Both these notes appeared in the Collection du Centre d’Econométrie du CNRS, n° 3, under the title “Deux communications à l’Académie des Sciences sur le test de Schuster” [“Two submissions to the Academy of Sciences concerning the Schuster test”], Gauthier-Villars, 1957.
1959 Test de périodicité – Généralisation du test de Schuster au cas de séries temporelles autocorrélées [Periodicity test – A Generalization of Schuster’s test to the case of autocorrelated temporal series]
Vol. 1 of Studi in onore di Corrado Gini, Istituto di statistica della facolta di scienze statistiche demografiche ed attuariali, pp. 1-14
1959 Généralisation du test de Schuster au cas de séries temporelles autocorrélées dans l’hypothèse d’un processus de perturbations aléatoires d’un système stable [Generalization of Schuster’s test to the case of autocorrelated temporal series assuming a process of random perturbations of a stable system]
Submission to the 33rd Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Paris, 1961
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 1962, vol. 39, 2nd livraison, pp.143-194
1977 On the concept of probability
Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali, November 1978, n° 11, pp. 937-956
1982 Frequency, probability and chance
Published in the multi-author work : Foundations of utility and risk theory with applications, edited by B. Stigum and F. Wenstop,
First international Congress on utility and risk theory, Oslo 1982, Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1983, pp. 35-84
1982 Analyse des séries temporelles et facteur X – Tests de périodicité [The Analysis of the Time Series and the X Factor – Periodicity tests]
Rapport d’activité scientifique [scientific research report], Centre d’Analyse Economique, CNRS, pp. 31-41
1983 Sur la distribution normale des valeurs à des instants régulièrement espacés d’une somme de sinusoides [On the normal distribution of values at regularly spaced points of a sine wave sum]
Submission to the French Academy of Sciences, 30 May 1983
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 296, série 1, pp. 829-832
1983 Fréquence, probabilité et hasard [Frequency, probability and chance]
Journal de la Société de statistique de Paris, 2ème et 3ème trimestres 1983, pp. 70-102 and pp. 144-221
1983 Awarded the Robert Blanché Prize by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
1984 Fluctuations conjoncturelles et facteur X [Cyclical Fluctuations and the X Factor]
Rapport d’activité scientifique [scientific research report] Centre d’Analyse Economique, July 1978-June 1980, CNRS, pp. 46-47
1987 Some remarquable properties of the determination of a continuous distribution by its moments
Published in the multi-author work Risk, decision and rationality, B. Munier, editor, Third International Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theories, Aix-en-Provence, June 1986. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, 1987, pp. 557-561
1988 Phénomènes aléatoires et modèles fréquentiels. Réalité et théorie. Prolégomènes pour une révision des théories admises [Random phenomena and frequential models. Reality and Theory. Prologemena to a revision of the received theories]
Lecture, 5 October 1989, Rheinisch Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 29 pp.
Applied Economic
Economic development and management
1946 Abondance ou misère [Abundance or Misery]
Paris, Librairie de Médicis, 1946, 120 pp.
1946 Le problème de la gestion économique [The Problem of Economic Management]
Revue d’économie politique, April-June 1946, vol. 56, pp. 220-226
1947 Le problème de la planification économique dans une économie collectiviste [The Problem of Economic Planning in a Collectivist Economy]
Revue internationale des sciences sociales Kyklos, July et October 1947, vol. I, p.154-280 and II, pp. 48-71
1947 Le problème de la gestion économique : planisme autoritaire ou planisme concurrentiel [The Problem of Economic Management : authoritarian planning or competitive planning]
La vie intellectuelle, October 1947, pp. 50-81
1948 Les problèmes économiques et sociaux de l’heure et leurs solutions [The Economic and Social Problems of the Day and their Solutions]
Bulletin des transports et du commerce, November 1948, pp. 690-697
1952 Observations sur l’optimum parétien [Some Remarks on the Pareto Optimum]
Collection des colloques internationaux du CNRS, vol. XL, pp. 114-118
1952 Le sous-développement et ses problèmes [Under-development and its problems]
Proceedings of the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 1952, Editions Domat-Montchrestien, 1953, pp. 188-193
1952 Théorie de la structure économique [Theory of Economic Structure]
Proceedings of the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 1952, Editions Domat-Montchrestien, 1953, pp. 264-273
1958 Les structures sociales et la croissance économique sous les régimes socialistes collectivistes [Social structures and economic growth under collectivist socialist régimes]
Proceedings of the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 1958, Editions Cujas, 1959, pp. 15-23
1958 La théorie de la croissance [The Theory of Growth]
Proceedings of the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 1958, Editions Cujas, 1959, pp. 85-87
1961 L’influence des besoins sur la production des biens de consommation [The Influence of Needs on the Output of Consumer Goods]
Submission presented to the CNRS Grenoble congress (September 1961)
Published by the CNRS in the multi-author compendium volume of international symposia L’évolution et le rôle des besoins de consommation dans les divers régimes économiques [Evolution and role of consumer needs under the various economic regimes]
1961 Le Tiers-Monde au Carrefour – Centralisation Autoritaire ou planification concurrentielle [The Third-World at the Crossroads – Authoritarian Centralization or Competitive Planning]
Les Cahiers africains, vols. 7 and 8
Editions des Cahiers africains, Brussels (Créations de Presse, 34 Champs Elysées, Paris 8ème)
Italian version :
Il Terzo Mondo al Bivio [The Third-World at the Crossroads]
I Quaderni de la Tribuna, G. C. Sansoni editore, Florence, 1962, 262 pp.
1963 Sur la planification économique nationale [On National Economic Planning]
Observations presented following the submission of Professor Ragnar Frisch
Published in the multi-author work: The Econometric Approach to Development Planning, North Holland, Amsterdam and Rand MacNally, Chicago, 1965, pp. 1205-1213, 1217 and 1229-1230
1964 Sur la planification [On Planning]
Marché et plan [Market and Plan], Proceedings of the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, Editions Cujas, 1965, pp. 39-45
1970 Capitalisme et collectivisme – Le libéralisme [Capitalism and Collectivism – Liberalism]
Third seminar of liberal thought, November 1970, pp. 93-107
1980 Les facteurs déterminants du chômage [The determining factors of unemployment] – France 1952-1978
Rapport d’activité scientifique [scientific research report] Centre d’Analyse Economique, July 1978-June 1980, CNRS, pp. 46-47
1981 Chômage et charges salariales globales [Unemployment and global employee contributions]
Le Monde, 14-15 June 1981, p. 9
Distribution of Income and Taxation
1947 Le problème des salaires [The Wage Problem]
CEGOS, 25ème cycle d’études, Paris, November 1947, fascicule I, pp. 6-20
1950 De quelques propriétés de l’impôt sur le capital [Some features of capital taxation]
Submission to the Varèse Econometrics Congress, September 1950
Text reproduced in Allais, 1956, Cours d’économie générale [General Economics Course], vol. II, ENSMP, pp. 279-284
1953 L’intéressement des agents à la gestion [Management Incentive Schemes]
Study realized for the Algerian Bureau of Mineral Research, 22 June 1953
Text reproduced in Allais, 1959, Cours d’économie générale [General Economics Course], vol. III, ENSMP, pp. 267-274
1953 Suggestions pour la rémunération des agents employés à la recherche minière [Suggestions for the remuneration of mineral research employees]
Study realized for the Algerian Bureau of Mineral Research, 6 November 1953
Text reproduced in Allais, 1959, Cours d’économie générale [General Economics Course], vol. III, ENSMP, pp. 275-290
1966 L’impôt sur le capital [Capital Taxation]
See above under “The Theory of intertemporal processes and of optimal capitalistic structure”
1975 L’imposition généralisée des plus-values [The general taxation of capital gains]
Rapport de la Commission d’étude d’une imposition généralisée des plus-values [Report of the Commission to study the general taxation of capital gains], La Documentation française, vol. II, pp. 5-24
Revue administrative, November-December 1995, pp. 563-570
1975 Inflation, répartition des revenus et indexation, avec référence à l’économie française [Inflation, income distribution and indexation, with reference to the French economy] 1947-1975. With the collaboration of Jacqueline Allais
Economie et sociétés, vol. X, n° 4, 1976, pp. 677-713
English version :
Inflation, income distribution and indexation, with reference to the French economy 1947-1975
Paper presented at the Symposium on Inflation and Indexation organised by the Israeli National Council for Research and Development, 5-7 April 1976
Acts of the Symposium, Editions du CNRS, Paris, 1978
1976 L’impôt sur le capital et la réforme monétaire [Capital taxation and monetary reform]
Editions Hermann, Paris, 1976, 370 pp.
Second edition, 1988, with a scientific self-portrait (pp. ix-xviii)
1978 Réponse à [Reply to] Claude Ponsard
Réponse à la “Lettre à Maurice Allais sur l’impôt sur le capital et la réforme monétaire” [Reply to the “Letter to Maurice Allais on capital taxation and monetary reform”]
Revue d’économie politique, 1978, pp. 478-486
1979 La lutte contre les inégalités. Le projet d’un impôt sur les grosses fortunes et la réforme de la fiscalité par l’impôt sur le capital [The struggle against inequalities. The plan for a tax on large fortunes and tax reform via capital taxation]
Rapport de la Commission d’étude d’un prélèvement sur les fortunes [Report of the Commission to study a wealth tax], vol. III, Opinions recueillies par la commission [Opinions obtained by the commission], pp. 17-49
La documentation française, Paris, 1979
1990 Pour la réforme de la fiscalité [The case for tax reform]
Editions Clément Juglar, 1990, 131 pp.
Monetary policy
1949 Le problème de l’inflation française [The problem of French Inflation] (1945-1948)
GRECS, January 1949
Text reproduced in Allais, 1956, Cours d’économie générale [General economics course], vol. II, ENSMP, pp. 155-158
1966 La conjoncture potentiellement instable de l’économie américaine [The prospects of instability in the American economy]
Il politico, University of Pavia, 1966, year XXXI, n° 2, June 1966, pp. 197-221
1967 Les conditions de l’expansion dans la stabilité sur le plan national [The conditions of expansion in stability on the national level]
Revue d’économie politique, January-February 1967, n° 1, pp. 5-31
1967 Growth without inflation
Center for modern economics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, 1968, 86 pp.
1970 L’inflation est-elle, ou non, une condition de la croissance ? [Is inflation a condition of growth or not ?]
Publié dans l’ouvrage collectif “La renaissance de la pensée libérale”, Nouvelles éditions latines, pp. 264-278
1974 L’inflation française et la croissance – Mythologie et réalités [French inflation and growth – Myths and realities]. With the collaboration of Jacqueline Allais
Symposium on Inflation 18 December 1974 organised by the ALEPS, Paris, 1974, 119 pp.
1976 L’impôt sur le capital et la réforme monétaire [Capital taxation and monetary reform]
See above under “Distribution of Income and Taxation”
1987 Les conditions monétaires d’une économie de marchés – De la réflexion sur le passé à la préparation de l’avenir [The monetary conditions of an economy of markets – From reflections on the past to preparation for the future]
Centre d’Analyse Economique, Fondements de l’analyse monétaire et conjoncturelle [Foundations of monetary and conjunctural analysis], fascicule VII, 15 May 1987, 93 pp.
1988 L’indexation obligatoire de toutes les dettes en valeur réelle : condition majeure d’efficacité et d’équité. [Compulsory Indexation of All Debts in Real Terms – A Major Condition of Efficiency and Fairness]
Annales d’économie politique – Session 1988-1989 – pp. 7-35
1989 The economic science of today and global disequilibrium. A critical analysis of some characteristic features
International Conference on Global Disequilibrium. McGill University, May 17-19th, 1989
Published in “Global disequilibrium in the world economy”, M. Baldassari, J. McCallum, R. Mundell, editors, St. Martin’s Press, pp. 25-38
1990 Pour l’indexation [The case for indexation]
Editions Clément Juglar, 1990, 183 pp.
1991 La nécessaire réforme de la Bourse : I. L’instabilité foncière des marchés boursiers et II. Les innovations financières au regard de l’expérience [The Need for Reform of the Stock Exchange: I. The fundamental instability of the stock markets, and II. Financial innovations in the light of experience]
La Tribune de l’Expansion, 17 and 18 September 1991
1991 La nécessaire réforme des institutions monétaires et financières [The need for reform of monetary and financial institutions]
Haute finance, n° 12, 1991, pp. 20-25
1993 Les conditions monétaires d’une économie de marchés. Des enseignements du passé aux réformes de demain [The monetary conditions of an economy of markets. From the teaching of the past to the reforms of tomorrow]
Revue d’économie politique, May-June 1993, n° 3, pp. 317-368
English Version :
The monetary conditions of an economy of markets. From the teaching of the past to the reforms of tomorrow
Islamic Research and Training Institute, Djeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1993, 64 pp.
1999 La crise mondiale d’aujourd’hui. Pour de profondes réformes des institutions financières et monétaires [Today’s Global Crisis. The case for far-reaching reforms of financial and monetary institutions]
Editions Clément Juglar, 1999, 240 pp.
International economy
Comparative analysis of living standards and productivity levels
1948 Quelques données numériques sur la comparaison des niveaux de vie français et américains [Some facts and figures bearing on the comparison of French and American standards of living]
Paper submitted to the Hague Econometrics Congress, September 1948
Text reproduced in Allais, 1959, Cours d’économie générale [General Economics Course], vol. III, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, pp. 209-212
1949 Pouvons-nous atteindre les hauts niveaux de vie américains ? [Can we match high American standards of living ?]
Les études américaines, cahiers XV et XVI de 1949, pp. 41-50
And Bulletin of the Association professionnelle des ingénieurs des ponts et chaussées et des mines, March and June 1950, pp. 13-16 et 17-28
1950 L’évolution démographique de l’U.R.S.S. depuis 1938 [Demographic Evolution in the USSR since 1938]
Nouvelle revue d’économie contemporaine, July 1950, pp. 24-26
1950 L’économie soviétique est-elle efficiente? [Is the soviet economy efficient?]
Nouvelle revue d’économie contemporaine, October 1950, pp. 4-12
1955 L’efficacité de l’économie américaine [The efficiency of the American economy]
Les études américaines, cahier XLVIII, 1955, pp. 1-15
1956 Productivités, niveaux de vie et rythmes de croissance comparés en Russie soviétique, aux Etats-Unis et en France (1880-1955) [Comparative productivity levels, living standards and growth rates in Soviet Russia, the USA and France (1880-1955)]
A study submitted to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, 30 April 1956
Travaux de l’Académie des sciences morales et politiques [Proceedings of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences], 109ème année, 4ème série, 1956, pp. 137-163
International Trade and Economic Development
1961 La politique de l’Occident vis-à-vis du Tiers-Monde [Western Policy Towards the Third World]
Paper delivered at the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, 15 May 1961
Proceedings of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, 1961, pp. 227-249
1961 Un paradoxe de la théorie du commerce international [A paradox in the theory of international trade]
Essay published in the multi-author work in honour of Professor Johan Akerman, Money, growth and methodology, edited by Hugo Hegeland, 31 March 1961, Lund, Sweden, Social Science Studies, n° 20, CWK Gleerup Publishers, pp. 337-350
(Paper reproduced in the Collection du Centre d’Econométrie, Paris, CNRS , n° 5)
1961 Le Tiers-Monde au Carrefour – Centralisation Autoritaire ou planification concurrentielle [The Third World at the Crossroads – Authoritarian Centralization or Competitive Planning]
See above under “Management and economic development”
1963 Les obstacles au développement de l’économie canadienne [The obstacles to the development of the Canadian economy]
Proceedings of the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, Editions Cujas, 1964, pp. 165-170
1967 Les conditions de l’efficacité sur le plan international [The conditions of efficiency on the international level]
Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, 1969, 52 pp.
1967 L’ordre international et l’économie de marchés [The international order and the economy of markets]
Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, 1969, 128 pp.
1970 La libéralisation des relations économiques internationales – Accords commerciaux ou intégration économique [The liberalization of international economic relations – trade agreements or economic integration?]
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1971, 195 pp.
1970 Customs unions and trade agreement
Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th edition – 1974), vol. V, pp. 376-385
1993 La théorie des coûts comparés et les échanges internationaux [Comparative cost theory and international trade]
The Economists’ Week, April 1993, Groupe HEC, Chambre de Commerce de Paris, 28 pp.
The International Monetary System
1948 Le contrôle des changes [Exchange Control]
Bulletin des transports et du commerce, February 1948, pp. 96-99
1949 Les mécanismes régulateurs en matière de changes [Regulatory Mechanisms affecting Foreign Exchange]
Congress of French-Speaking Economists 30 May 1949 on the state of the international payment system
Proceedings of the Congress, éditions Domat-Montchrestien, 1950, pp. 103-109 et 169-173
1950 Enseignements et portée de la dévaluation de la livre [Lessons and Impact of the Devaluation of the Pound]
Bulletin des transports et du commerce, November 1949, pp. 774-776
1950 Sur la reconstruction monétaire de l’Europe [On the Monetary Reconstruction of Europe]
Congress of French-Speaking Economists, May 1950
Proceedings of the Congress, éditions Domat-Montchrestien, 1951, pp. 58-64
1955 Sur la convertibilité et la libération des échanges [On convertibility and the liberation of foreign exchange]
Congress of French-Speaking Economists, May 1955
Proceedings of the Congress, éditions Domat-Montchrestien, 1956, pp. 97-101 and 111-114
and Nouvelle revue de l’économie contemporaine, n° 74, April 1956, pp. 12-14
1957 Le problème de la dévaluation [The problem of devaluation]
Revue de politique étrangère, 22ème année, 1957, pp. 479-493
1963 Les questions soulevées par le système monétaire international [The questions raised by the international monetary system]
Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 1963
Proceedings of the Congress, éditions Cujas, 1964, pp. 56-61
1965 Un plan pour la réforme du système monétaire international [A plan for reform of the international monetary system]
Il Politico, University of Pavia, 1965, year XXX, n° 4, December 1965, pp. 741-749
Published in the multi-author volume: Inflation et ordre monétaire international [Inflation and the international monetary order], Schweizerisches Institut fur Auslandsforschung, Publications of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, n° 46, Geneva, 1967, pp. 123-131
1966 Caractéristiques comparées des systèmes de l’étalon or, des changes à parité libre, et de l’étalon de change or [Comparative characteristics of the gold standard, floating exchange and gold exchange standard systems]
Study published in the multi-author work in honour of Jacques Rueff “Les fondements philosophiques des systèmes économiques”, Paris, Payot, 1966, pp. 356-372
1967 Growth without inflation
Il Politico, University of Pavia, 1967, anno XXXII, n° 2, pp. 348-354
See also above under “Monetary Policy”
1967 The monetary reform : a synthesis
In “Monetary reform and the price of gold”, Randall Hinshaw, Editor, The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, pp. 134-138
1968 Historical experience and the reform of the international monetary system
Paper presented at the Symposium on the International Monetary Order, Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, 18-20 April 1968, 163 pp.
1968 Some data concerning the international monetary system
In “An international monetary order” – Agenda by a group of monetary experts”, Graduate institute of international studies, Geneva, 1968, pp. 14-18
1973 The reform of the international monetary system and the indexation of price of gold on world gross national product
Centre d’Analyse Economique, Paris, 1973, 67 pp.
1997 Ce qui doit arriver arrive. La pensée de Jacques Rueff et la crise d’aujourd’hui [The Inevitable is at Hand. The Thought of Jacques Rueff and the Crisis of Our Times]
Commentaire, Spring 1997, pp. 15-25
Economic Unions and Federal Unions
1947 Aspects économiques du fédéralisme [Economic Aspects of Federalism]
Submission presented at the Montreux Congress of the Union of European Federalists, 27-31 August 1947
Published in the multi-author volume “Rapport du premier congrès annuel de l’Union européenne des fédéralistes”, Union of European Federalists, Palais Wilson, Geneva, pp. 33-57
And in the Bulletin des transports December 1947 et January 1948
English Version :
Freedom and Union, Washington, February, March and May 1949 “Evils of nationalism”, “Economic aspects of federal union”, and “Economic obstacles to Union” (pp. 9-12, 21-53, 14-15)
1948 Quelques aspects économiques du fédéralisme [Some economic aspects of Federalism]
Économie wallonne, November 1948- February 1949, Liège, Belgium, pp. 197-215
1949 Productivités, salaires réels et union économique [Productivity levels, real wages and economic union]
Economia Internazionale, vol. II, n° 3, August 1949, pp. 615-629
1951 L’Union politique, condition première de toute union économique [Political Union, First Condition of Any Economic Union]
Bulletin of the Chamber of Commerce of the provinces of Liège, March-April 1952, pp. 7-8 and 7-9
1956 La politique économique atlantique [The Atlantic Economic Policy]
Report submitted to the National Council of the Atlantic Union movement, November 1956
Revue politique et parlementaire, 59ème année, n° 664, January 1957, pp. 17-27
1957 Un marché commun atlantique est-il, ou non, une utopie ? [Is an Atlantic Common Market a Utopian Idea?]
Report presented at the Bruges Conference on North Atlantic Community, 9-14 September 1957, Les Cahiers de Bruges, 1957, III-IV, pp. 26-31
and Revue politique et parlementaire, 59ème année, vol. 223, October 1957, pp. 111-118
1964 Toward an integrated Atlantic community
Paper presented at the NATO Problems and Prospects Conference of the “Center of Strategic Studies”, Georgetown University, Washington, May 1964
Published in the multi-author work NATO in quest of cohesion, Hoover Institute Publications, Praeger, 1965, pp. 359-386
French version published under the title :
L’avenir de la Communauté Atlantique [The future of the Atlantic Community]
Bulletin SEDEIS, Collection Futuribles, n° 85, 20 November 1964, 52 pp.
European Integration
1948 Les problèmes de l’union économique de l’Europe [The problems of Economic Union in Europe]
Observations presented at the Congress of French-Speaking Economists, 25 May 1948, following the paper of M. René Courtin
Proceedings of the Congress, Editions Domat-Montchrestien, 1949, pp. 176-197
1949 La Conférence économique européenne de Westminster et les problèmes économiques de l’Europe [The European Economic Conference of Westminster and the Economic Problems of Europe]
Bulletin des transports et du commerce, July 1949, pp. 526-534
1949 Les problèmes sociaux posés par l’Union économique de l’Europe et leurs solutions [The social problems posed by the Economic Union of Europe and their solutions]
Bulletin des transports, October 1949
1950 La libération des mouvements de personnes est-elle possible en Europe ? [Is Free Movement of Persons Possible in Europe ?]
Nouvelle revue d’économie contemporaine, n° 1, January 1950, pp. 4-7
1950 Les intérêts des groupes sociaux et nationaux et l’Union économique de l’Europe [The interests of social and national groups and European Economic Union]
Economia Internazionale, vol. IV, n° 1, February 1951, pp. 1-14
1952 La libéralisation des échanges internationaux en Europe [The liberalization of international trade in Europe]
Report presented at the International Economics Conference in Genoa, September 1952
Economia Internazionale, vol. VI, 1953, n° 1-2, pp. 1-37
1957 Le système des prix et de la concurrence dans le marché commun de la Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l’Acier (CECA) [The system of prices and competition in the Common Market of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)]
Report presented at the Stresa International Study Congress on the ECSC (June 1957)
Official Proceedings of the Congress, 1957, vol. VI, pp. 143-210, Editions Guiffré, Milan, 1958 (see too vol. V, pp. 277-284 ; vol. VI, pp. 521-526 and 587-594)
(Paper reproduced in the Collection of the Centre d’Econométrie, Paris, CNRS, n° 1)
This paper was also published under the title :
“Les leçons d’une expérience : Le système des prix et de la concurrence dans le marché commun de la Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l’Acier” [The lessons of an experience : The system of prices and competition in the Common Market of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)]
in the SEDEIS Bulletin, n° 681, September 1957, 34 p. and n° 682, 15 September 1957, 40 pp.
1958 Fondements théoriques, perspectives et conditions d’un marché commun effectif [Theoretical foundations, prospects and conditions of an efficient common market]
Special issue devoted to the Common Market, Revue d’Économie Politique, year 68, January-February 1958, pp. 56-99.
(Paper published in the Collection of the Centre d’Econométrie, Paris, CNRS, n° 2)
1959 L’Europe unie, route de la prospérité [A united Europe – The road to prosperity]
Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1959, 369 pp.
Grand Prix 1960 of the Atlantic Union
1984 Contribution à la table ronde sur les contraintes économiques extérieures organisée par les Annales des mines [Submission to the round table on outside economic constraints, organized by the Annales des mines]
Annales des Mines, March 1984, pp. 7-9, 15-19 et 27-29
1991 L’Europe face à son avenir : que faire ? [Europe and Its Future – What Should Be Done?]
Editions Robert Laffont et Clément Juglar, 1991, 310 pp.
1992 Erreurs et impasses de la construction européenne [Errors and Dead-Ends in the European Construction]
Editions Clément Juglar, 1992, 122 pp.
1993 L’intégration monétaire de la Communauté Economique Européenne [The Monetary Integration of the European Economic Community]
Revue de l’Economie du développement, 2, pp. 135-152
1994 Combats pour l’Europe [Struggles for Europe] 1992-1994
Editions Clément Juglar, 1994, 530 pp.
1999 La mondialisation, le chômage et les impératifs de l’humanisme [Globalization, unemployment and the demands of humanism]
UNESCO, Un siècle de Prix Nobel, 10 April 199, 21 pp.
1999 La mondialisation, la destruction des emplois et de la croissance. L’évidence empirique [Globalization, job and growth destruction: the empirical evidence]
Editions Clément Juglar, 1999, 650 pp.
2001 Nouveaux combats pour l’Europe, 1995-2001 [New struggles for Europe]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2001
2005 L’Europe en crise. Que faire? [Europe in Crisis. What Should be Done ?]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2005
Economic sectors
The Transport Economy
1947 Le problème de la coordination des transports et la théorie économique [The problem of transport coordination and economic theory]
Study realized in 1946-1947 at the request of the [French] Ministry for reconstruction and town planning
Revue d’économie politique, March-April 1948, pp. 212-271
1951 Problèmes posés par l’application de la théorie du coût marginal [The problems posed by the application of the theory of marginal cost]
Cours d’économie générale [General Economics Course], 1951, vol. II, ENSMP, pp. 45-58
1963 Quelques réflexions sur l’organisation du marché des transports [Some remarks on the organization of the transport market]
Report submitted to the Panel of experts assigned to study transport pricing policy options, Communauté européenne, November 1963, 186 pp.
1964 Options de la politique tarifaire dans les transports [Transport Pricing Policy Options]
(in collaboration with Del Viscovo, Duquesne de la Vinelle, Oort and Seldenfus)
Etudes, Séries Transports, n° 1, 206 pp., Travaux du Comité d’experts pour l’étude des options de la politique tarifaire dans les transports (October 1963 – November 1964), European Economic Community, Brussels, 1965
Translations of this volume into German, Italian, Dutch and English were also published in 1965 by the European Economic Community
1964 La théorie économique et la tarification optimum de l’usage des infrastructures de transport [Economic theory and optimal pricing for the use of transport infrastructures]
Study published in the multi-author volume “Les transports [Transports]”
Société amicale des anciens élèves de l’École Polytechnique, 1964, pp. 108-114
1964 Programme d’investissement et d’exploitation optimum d’une infrastructure de transport [Optimal investment and use programme for a transport infrastructure]
Study published in the multi-author work in honour of Professor J. L. Meij: Bedrijfseconomische Verkenningen [Economic enquiries], G. Delwel, La Haye, 1965, pp. 199-238 and in
Automobilismo et Automobilismo industrial, Revue de la Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, July-August 1965, n° 4, pp. 447-493
1988 L’économie des infrastructures de transport et les fondements du calcul économique [The economy of transport infrastructures and the foundations of economic calculation]
Revue d’économie politique, 1989, pp. 159-203
The Energy Economy
1949 La gestion des houillères nationalisées et la théorie économique [The management of nationalised coal-mines and economic theory]
A study realized for Charbonnages de France in 1949
Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 1953, 126 p. quarto
Awarded the 1959 Joseph Dutens Prize by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
1957 Le système des prix et de la concurrence dans le marché commun de la Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l’Acier (CECA) [The system of prices and competition in the Common Market of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)]
See above under “European Integration”
1960 Les aspects essentiels de la politique de l’énergie [The key points of energy policy]
Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 1961, 74 pp.
Annales des Mines, June et September 1961
The economy of mineral research
1954 Evaluation des perspectives économiques de la recherche minière sur de grands espaces. Application au Sahara Algérien [Method of appraising economic prospects of mining exploration over large territories. Algerian case study]
See above under “Theory of random choice and criteria to be considered for rational decision-making”
History of Economic Thought
1947 La vie et l’œuvre d’Irving Fisher [The life and work of Irving Fisher]
Revue d’Economie Politique, May-June 1947, vol. 57, pp. 459-463
1964 Walras, pionnier de l’économie mathématique et réformateur méconnu [Walras, pioneer of mathematical economics and unrecognized reformer]
Centenary brochure of the Association amicale des anciens élèves de l’École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (1864-1964), pp. 26-29
1967 Pareto, contributions to economics
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
Macmillan and Free Press, 1968, vol. 5, pp. 399-411
1967 Irving Fisher
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
Macmillan and Free Press, 1968, vol. 5, pp. 475-485
1978 Jacques Rueff – 1896-1978 – La pensée et l’action [Thought and Action]
La Jaune et la Rouge, September 1978, n° 333, pp. 26-28
1985 La théorie des choix dans l’oeuvre de René Roy – Une analyse critique [The Theory of Choice in the Works of René Roy – A critical analysis]
Revue d’Economie Politique, 1988, n° 3, pp. 315-357
1987 René Roy
The New Palgrave. A Dictionary of Economics
Macmillan, 1987, vol. 4, pp. 227
1990 Louis Rougier, prince de la pensée [Louis Rougier, prince of thought]
Les terrasses de Lourmarin, XXXIX, 78 pp.
1994 Tribute to Ole Hagen
The 7th International Conference on the Foundations and Applications of Utility, Risk and Decision Theory
Norwegian School of Management, 30 July 1994
Scientific research, methodology and teaching
1949 L’emploi des mathématiques en économique [The use of mathematics in economics]
Econometrica, October 1949, pp. 63-89
1954 Puissance et dangers de l’outil mathématique en économie [Power and dangers of mathematics as a tool in economics]
Econometrica, vol. 22, n° 1, January 1954, pp. 58-71
Spanish version :
Posibilidades y peligros de la utilización del aparato matemático en la economía [Power and dangers of the use of mathematical apparatus in economics]
Revista Estadística, March 1955, vol. XIII, n° 46, pp. 59-73
This paper was also published under the title :
Posibilidades y peligros de la utilización del método matemático en la economía [Power and dangers of the use of the mathematical method in economics]
in the work “Metodología y critica económica [Economic methodology and criticism]”, selección de Camilo Dagum, Fondo de cultura económica, Mexico, 1978, Lecturas, n° 26, pp. 535-551
1954 Quelques observations sur la réforme de l’enseignement à l’École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris et de l’enseignement français en général [Some remarks on the reform of higher education at the Paris École Nationale Supérieure des Mines and on French education in general]
Nouvelle revue de l’économie contemporaine, July 1954, n° 55, pp. 22-29
1958 Quelques réflexions sur l’organisation de la recherche scientifique [Reflections on the organization of scientific research]
Bulletin of the Société belge d’études et d’expansion, n°189, January-February 1960, pp. 131-141
1958 Preface to J. Lesourne’s work Technique économique et gestion industrielle [Economic technique and inductrial management], Dunod, Paris, 1958, p. VII-XXIII
1959 Défense du Polytechnicien [In Defence of the Polytechnician]
L’Aurore, special issue for the École Polytechnique, 16 December 1959
1966 La formation économique de l’ingénieur [The economic training of the engineer]
Annales des Mines, December 1966, pp. 7-26
1966 L’économique en tant que science [Economics as a science]
A lecture delivered at the opening session of the academic year 1967-1968 of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, Monday 23rd October 1967
Collection of the Studies and Proceedings of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, 1968, n° 6, 26 pp.
Reproduced in the Revue d’économie politique, January 1968, pp. 5-30
English version :
Economics as a science
Collection of the Studies and Proceedings of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Studies, 1968, n° 7, 24 pp.
and Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto, 1958, pp. 5-24
Italian version :
L’Economia come Scienza [Economics as a science]
Rassegna Economica (Banco di Napoli et Université de Bari et Naples), 1968, pp. 243-269
Spanish version :
La Economia como Ciencia [Economics as a science]
In the work “Metodologia y critica economica” [Economic methodology and criticism], seleccion de Camilo Dagum, Fondo de cultura economica, Mexico, 1978, Lecturas, n° 26, pp. 23-44
1975 La nouvelle République n’a pas besoin de savants [The new Republic does not need scholars]
Le Figaro, 12th December 1975
1989 The economic science of today and facts. A critical analysis of some characteristic features
See above under “Monetary policy”
1992 Les mathématiques en économie [Mathematics in Economics]
Preface to the above work by Pierre de Calan and Emile Quinnet
Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1992
1993 Une législation obscurantiste [An obscurantist legislation]
Le Figaro, 25 March 1993
1993 Le fondateur des Prix Nobel, Alfred Nobel [The Founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel]
Le Figaro, 10 December 1993
1997 Une éducation pour le XXIème siècle. La formation scientifique [An education for the XXIst century – The scientific training]
Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, session of 27 May 1997
Revue de l’AMOPA, n° 138
English version :
The scientific training
In Advances in Econometrics, Income Distribution and Scientifical Methodology – Essays in honor of Camilo Dagum, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 321-330
Sociology and political science
1946 Quelques questions sur l’inégalité, les classes et la promotion sociale [Some reflections on Inequality, Classes and Social Mobility]
Economie et humanisme, July-August et September-October 1946, pp. 357-374 et 484-499
1948 Au-delà du laisser-fairisme et du totalitarisme [Beyond laissez-faire and totalitarianism]
Submission presented to the Congress of Europe in the Hague, May 1948.
Nouvelle Revue d’Économie Contemporaine, April 1950, p. 25-32, and May 1950, pp. 26-32.
1949 Socialisme et libéralisme [Socialism and Liberalism]
Submission presented at the XVth National Peace Congress in Paris, November 1949
Les cahiers socialistes, Brussels, March 1950, pp. 31-37
1950 Quelques réflexions sur la démocratie et le totalitarisme [Some reflections on democracy and totalitarianism]
Revue d’économie contemporaine, December 1950 et January 1951, pp. 8-17 and 7-17
1950 Permanences de l’Histoire [Permanent features of history]
Bulletin des transports, May 1950, pp. 340-348
1951 Intérêt général et intérêts particuliers [General Interest and Private Interests]
Nouvelle revue d’économie contemporaine, February 1951, pp. 13-18
1951 Le problème des partis totalitaires et le destin de la démocratie [The problem of totalitarian parties and the destiny of democracy]
Nouvelle revue d’économie contemporaine, June 1951, pp. 6-12
1951 Le quatrième pouvoir et la démocratie [The fourth power and democracy]
Nouvelle revue d’économie contemporaine, October 1951, pp. 4-11
1952 Quelques réflexions sur la contrainte et la liberté [Some reflections on constraint and freedom]
Revue française de science politique, vol. II, n° 2, April-June 1952, pp. 336-373
1959 Les conditions économiques d’une société libre [The economic conditions of a free society]
Submission to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, 26 January 1959
Proceedings of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, 112ème année, pp. 37-51
1969 Il significato economico e sociale dell’economia di mercato [The economic and social meaning of the market economy]
Rivista di Politica Economica estratto, anno LIX, Serie III, July 1969, fasc. VII
1960 La société libérale en péril [Liberal society in danger]
La Jaune et la Rouge, n° 241, October 1969, pp. 3-25
1969 Classes sociales et civilisations [Social classes and civilizations]
Economies et sociétés, Cahiers de l’Institut de Sciences Economiques et Appliquées, 1974, série 43, n° 17, pp. 285-377
1969 Inégalité et civilisations [Inequality and civilizations]
Published in the multi-author work Mélanges en l’honneur de Raymond Aron – Science et conscience de la société [Miscellany in honour of Raymond Aron – Science and community awareness], Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1971, vol. II, pp. 71-97
English version :
Inequality and civilizations
Social Science Quarterly, September 1973, special issue for the 50th anniversary of the death of Pareto
1990 Les bouleversements à l’Est [Upheavals in the East]
Presse d’Europe, 1990, 25 pp.
Political writings
1945 Prolégomènes à la reconstruction économique du monde Monde [Prolegomena to world economic reconstruction]
Paris, Sirey, 1945, 39 pp. in 8°
1956 Le bilan d’une politique et les conditions de survie du monde libre [Verdict on a policy and the Conditions of the free world’s survival]
Monde nouveau, December 1956, n° 20, pp. 55-98
1962 L’Algérie d’Evian [The Algeria of Évian]
L’Esprit nouveau, 380 pp.
Second edition, 1999, with a new 52-page Introduction., Éditions Jeune Pied Noir
1990 La crise du Moyen-Orient [The Middle-East Crisis]
Le Figaro, 2 and 3 January and 4 February, 1991
1991 Bilan de la guerre : un désastre [Verdict on the war: a disaster]
Le Figaro Magazine, 20 July 1991
1999 Les Harkis. Un impérieux devoir de mémoire [The Harkis – An imperative duty of remembrance]
Speech delivered, 6th May 1999.
History and Memory meeting, “The Harkis 1954-1962”
1968 Speech delivered on receiving the Grand Prix Arnoux from Jacques Rueff
Association pour la Liberté Economique et le Progrès Social (ALEPS), 16th October 1968, 14 pp.
1979 Speech delivered on 13th March 1979 on receiving the Gold Medal of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) from Mme Alice Saunier-Seïté, Minister for the Universities
Revue d’économie politique, July-August 1979, pp. 553-563
Annales des Mines, March-April 1981, pp. 211-218
1980 Civil Service Retirement Speech
École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 10th December 1980, 5 pp.
1984 Speech delivered on receiving the Grand Prix Guido Zerilli Marimo awarded by the Academy of Moral and Politcial Sciences
Academy of Moral and Politcial Sciences, session of 15 May 1984, 4 pp.
Annales des Mines, March 1984, pp. 49-50
1988 La philosophie de ma vie [My life philosophy]
Revue d’Economie Politique, 1989, vol. 99, pp. 28-54
Annales des Mines, June 1989, pp. 75-90
English versions :
My life philosophy
The American Economist, vol. XXXIII, n° 2, fall 1989, pp. 3-17
The passion for research
In Eminent Economists, Michael Szenberg, editor, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. 17-41
Text reproduced in the Brazilian review “Economia Aplicada”, January-March 1999, pp. 151-176
1988 Les lignes directrices de mon œuvre [An outline of my main contributions to economic science]
Nobel Lecture, 4th December 1988, The Nobel Prizes, Presentations, Biographies and Lectures 1988, Nobel Foundation, pp. 357-371
Special issue of the Annales des Mines, June 1989, pp. 4-21
Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, April-June 1983, pp. 1-21
English version :
An outline of my main contributions to economic science
The Nobel Prizes, Presentations, Biographies and Lectures 1988, Nobel Foundation, pp. 372-384
1988 Biography and main references
The Nobel Prizes, Presentations, Biographies and Lectures 1988, Nobel Foundation, pp. 343-356 and 385-391
1989 Speech delivered at the celebration of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 23rd March 1989 at the Sorbonne
Special issue of the Annales des Mines, June 1989, pp. 42-44
1989 Autoportraits : une vie, une œuvre [Self-portraits : life and work]
Editions Montchrestien, 1989, 150 pp.
1993 Speech delivered 19th October 1993 at the Sorbonne when receiving the sword of a member of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences
Presentation to Maurice Allais of his sword as a member of the Academy 19th October 1993 at the Sorbonne, brochure published by the Paris École Nationale Supérieure des Mines, 1993
2001 Speech delivered 3rd February 2001 at the inauguration of the Maurice Allais Hall at the Lycée Lakanal
La Jaune et la Rouge, April 2001, pp. 46-47
2001 Maurice Allais, un siècle de Prix Nobel [Maurice Allais, a century of the Nobel prize]
Interview with Hélène Natter. Le Figaro Magazine, 2001, 4ème trimestre
2001 La passion de la recherche – Autoportraits d’un autodidacte [The passion for research – Self-portraits of a self-taught man]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2001, 487 pp.
1951 Sur une contribution possible aux théories des plissements et du déplacement des pôles [On a possible contribution to the theories of flexure of strata and polar motion]
Annales des Mines, 1951, 4th instalment, pp. 7-9
1956 Théorie du pendule paraconique [The theory of the paraconic pendulum]
Institut de Recherche de l’Industrie Sidérurgique (IRSID), September 1956, 430 pp.
1957 Test de périodicité – Généralisation du test de Schuster au cas de séries temporelles autocorrélées [Periodicity test – A Generalization of Schuster’s test to the case of autocorrelated temporal series]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 244, 13 May 1957, n° 20, pp. 2469-2471
1957 Observation des mouvements du pendule paraconique [Observation of movements of the paraconic pendulum]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 245, 4 November 1957, n° 20, pp. 1697-1700
1957 Analyse harmonique des mouvements du pendule paraconique [Harmonic analysis of the movements of the paraconic pendulum]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 245, 13 November 1957, n° 22, pp. 1875-1878
1957 Mouvement du pendule paraconique et éclipse totale du soleil du 30 June 1954 [Motion of the paraconic pendulum and total eclipse of the sun 30th June 1954]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 245, 18 November 1957, n° 23, pp. 2001-2003
1957 Théorie du pendule paraconique et influence lunisolaire [The theory of the paraconic pendulum and lunisolar influence]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 245, 4 December 1957, n° 25, pp. 2170-2173
1957 Application du test de Schuster généralisé à l’analyse harmonique des mouvements du pendule paraconique [Application of the Schuster test to the harmonic analysis of the motion of the paraconic pendulum]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 245, 23 December 1957, n° 26, pp. 2467-2470
These six notes were published by Gauthier-Villars in Structure périodique des mouvements du pendule paraconique à suspension anisotrope et influence lunisolaire. Résultats expérimentaux et anomalies [Periodic structure of the motion of the anisotropically suspended paraconic pendulum and lunisolar influence. Experimental findings and anomalies] (1st fascicule)
1958 Faut-il reconsidérer les lois de la gravitation ? Sur une nouvelle expérience de mécanique [Should the laws of gravitation be reconsidered ? On a new experiment in mechanics]
Lecture delivered 22nd February 1958 in the Henri Poincaré amphitheatre of the École Polytechnique
1958 Expériences en connexion avec les anomalies constatées dans le mouvement du pendule paraconique [Experiments related to the anomalies observed in the movement of the paraconic pendulum]
Cercle Physique Alexandre Dufour – Bulletin n° 53, March 1958, pp. 3-6
1958 Anomalies des opérations de trajectoire et de nivellement – Explication possible et confrontation avec l’expérience [Anomalies in trajectory and levelling operations – a possible explanation and comparison with observation ]
IRSID, 1st May 1958, 5 pp.
1958 Doit-on reconsidérer les lois de la gravitation ? [Should the laws of gravitation be reconsidered ?]
Perspectives X (École Polytechnique), pp. 90-104
Article reproduced in Fusion, November 1998, pp. 40-53
1958 Sur l’existence d’une composante périodique de 24 h 50 mn dans les mouvements du pendule paraconique à support anisotrope [On the existence of a periodic component of 24 h 50 mn in the movements of a paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support]
IRSID, 20 November 1958, 9 pp.
1958 Recherches théoriques et expérimentales nouvelles sur la gravitation [New theoretical and experimental research on gravitation]
IRSID, December 1958, 21 pp.
Galabert Prize 1959 awarded by the Société Française d’Aéronautique
1958 Nouvelles expériences sur le pendule paraconique à support anisotrope [New experiments on the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 247, 3 November 1958, n° 18, pp. 1428-1431
1958 Structure périodique des mouvements du pendule paraconique à Bougival et à Saint-Germain en juillet 1958 [Periodic structure of the motion of the paraconic pendulum at Bougival and at Saint-German in July 1958]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 247, 22 December 1958, pp. 2284-2287
1959 Détermination expérimentale de l’influence de l’inclinaison du support sur le mouvement du pendule paraconique à support anisotrope [Experimental determination of the influence of the angle of the support on the motion of the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 248, 19 January 1959, pp. 359-362
1959 Détermination expérimentale de l’influence de l’anisotropie du support sur le mouvement du pendule paraconique à support anisotrope [Experimental determination of the influence of support anisotropy on the motion of the paraconic pendulum with anisotropic support]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 248, 9 February 1959, pp. 764-769
These four notes were published by Gauthier-Villars in Structure périodique des mouvements du pendule paraconique à suspension anisotrope et influence lunisolaire. Résultats expérimentaux et anomalies [Periodic structure of the motion of the anisotropically suspended paraconic pendulum and lunisolar influence. Experimental results and anomalies] (fascicule 2).
1959 New theoretical and experimental research work on gravity
IRSID, 31 March 1959, 22 pp.
Prize awarded by the Gravity Research Foundation (New Boston, New Hampshire), 1st June 1959
1959 Mouvement du pendule paraconique et éclipse totale du soleil du 2 October 1959 [Motion of the paraconic pendulum and the total eclipse of the sun of 2nd October 1959]
IRSID, 2 November 1959, 7 pp.
1959 Faut-il reconsidérer les lois de la gravitation ? Nouveaux résultats et perspectives [Should the laws of gravitation be reconsidered ? New findings and perspectives]
Lecture delivered 7th November 1959. French Society of Civil Engineers.
1960 Existence de composantes périodiques dans les variations des lectures correspondant aux visées effectuées avec une lunette fixe sur une mire fixe en liaison avec les mouvements du pendule paraconique [The existence of periodic components in the variations in the readings corresponding to sightings carried out using a fixed telescope on a fixed sighting mark in relation to the motion of the paraconic pendulum]
IRSID, 23 February 1960, 6 pp.
1959 Should the laws of gravitation be reconsidered ?
Aerospace Engineering, September 1959, n° 9, pp. 46-52, October 1959, n° 10, pp. 51-55, November 1959, n° 11, pp. 55
Article reproduced in 21st Century, Fall 1998, pp. 21-33
1961 Généralisation du test de Schuster au cas de séries temporelles autocorrélées dans l’hypothèse d’un processus de perturbations aléatoires d’un système stable [Generalization of Schuster’s test to the case of autocorrelated temporal series assuming a process of random disturbances of a stable system]
See above under “Probability theory and the analysis of time series and of their exogenous components”
1988 My work in theoretical and experimental physics
The Nobel Prizes, Presentations, Biographies and Lectures, 1988, The Nobel Foundation, pp. 347-348
1996 – 1997 Les expériences de Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926 et la théorie de la relativité [The experiments of Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926 and the theory of relativity]
La Jaune et la Rouge, August-September 1996, pp. 29-37 ; June-July 1997, pp. 43-50 ; August-September 1997, pp. 69-77
1997 L’anisotropie de l’espace. La nécessaire révision de certains postulats des théories contemporaines [The Anisotropy of Space. The necessary revision of certain postulates of contemporary theories]
Editions Clément Juglar, 1997, 757 pp.
English version:
The Anisotropy of Space. The necessary revision of certain postulates of contemporary theories
Editions L’Harmattan, 2019, 720 p.
1997-1999 Des régularités significatives dans les observations interférométriques de Dayton C. Miller [Significant patterns in the interferometric observations of Dayton C. Miller ]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 327, series II b, pp. 1405-1410 et 1411-1419
1999 Observations complémentaires sur l’analyse statistique des observations du pendule paraconique par Christian Marchal [Complementary observations on the statistical analysis of observations of the paraconical pendulum by Christian Marchal]
La Jaune et la Rouge, January 1999, pp. 31-36
2000 L’origine des régularités constatées dans les observations interférométriques de Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926 : Variations de température ou Anisotropie de l’espace [The origin of the patterns noted in the interferometric observations of Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926: Temperature variations or Anisotropy of space]
Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences [Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences], vol. 1, series IV, pp. 1205-1210
2001 Sur une liaison entre l’électronique et la gravitation. L’action d’un champ magnétique sur le mouvement du pendule [On a link between electronics and gravitation. The action of a magnetic field on the motion of the pendulum]
Fusion, September-October 2001, pp. 47-53
2003 Des régularités extraordinaires et irréfragables dans les observations interférométriques de Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926 [The extraordinary and irrefutable regularities in the interferometric observations of Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926]
Fusion, June 2003
2003 Des régularités extraordinaires et irréfragables dans les observations interférométriques de Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926, l’effondrement radical et définitif de la théorie de la relativité [The extraordinary and irrefutable regularities in the interferometric observations of Dayton C. Miller 1925-1926, the radical and definitive collapse of the theory of relativity]
La Jaune et la Rouge, October 2003
2004 L’effondrement de la théorie de la relativité, implication irréfragable des données de l’expérience [The Collapse of the theory of relativity, the irrefutable implication of the empirical data]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2004
2005 De très remarquables régularités dans les distributions des planètes et des satellites des planètes [Highly remarkable regularities in the distributions of planets and of planet satellites]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2005
2005 Albert Einstein, un extraordinaire paradoxe [Albert Einstein, an extraordinary paradox]
Editions Clément Juglar, 2005