Appel à candidatures Prix Maurice Allais de Science Économique 2025

Call for submissions The 2025 Maurice Allais Prize in Economic Science


Many tributes were paid to Maurice Allais, whether in the form of official recognition, for example the speeches delivered on the occasion of his reception of the Gold Medal of the CNRS in 1978 or, of course, the 1988 Nobel Prize in Economics, as well as tributes from academics, researchers and engineers.

The most noteworthy of these tributes were collected in the volume Un savant méconnu [An unknown scholar], published in 2002 by the Éditions Clément Juglar.

1955 > Portrait de Maurice Allais [Portrait of Maurice Allais] by Luc Bourcier de Carbon, Associate Professor at the Nancy Faculty of Law – Revue de la Banque (Brussels), 1955, n° 12, pp. 884-894

1959 > Scandale à Polytechnique [Scandal at the Ecole Polytechnique], by Louis Rougier, Associate Professor at the University of Caen – Imprimerie des Tuileries, 354 rue Saint-Honoré, Paris, entire text also published in the Écrits de Paris, 1959

1968 > Speech of Jacques Rueff, Chairman of the Jury, 16 October 1968 on the award to Maurice Allais of the Grand Prix André Arnoux

1975 > Report of Professor Henri Guitton, President of the Economics section of the CNRS, proposing the award to  Professor Maurice Allais of the CNRS Gold Medal – 5 June 1975

1978 > Letter of Thierry de Montbrial, Professor at the Department of Economics of the École Polytechnique, to Henri Chabbal, Director-general of the CNRS, on behalf of the standing committee of the Economics section of the CNRS – 2 May 1978

1979 > Speech of Alice Saunier-Seité, Minister for the Universities, at the ceremony of the award to Professor Maurice Allais of the CNRS Gold Medal

1980 > Speech of André Giraud, Minister for Industry, on the occasion of Maurice Allais’s retirement from the civil service

1986 > Presentation by Marcel Boiteux, Thierry de Montbrial and Bertrand Munier of the festschrift in honour of Maurice Allais  entitled Marchés, Capital et Incertitude [Markets, capital and uncertainty], Editions Economica, 1986, pp. 5-9

1986 > L’œuvre d’économiste de Maurice Allais : Achèvements théoriques et germes de renouveau [The writings of Maurice Allais on Economics  – theoretical achievements and seeds of renewal], by Bertrand Munier, Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille III – Marchés, Capital et Incertitude [Markets, capital and uncertainty], Editions Economica, 1986, pp. 13-34

1986 > Maurice Allais, savant méconnu [Maurice Allais – Unknown Scholar], by Thierry de Montbrial, Professor at the École Polytechnique – Marchés, Capital et Incertitude [Markets, capital and uncertainty], Editions Economica, 1986, pp. 39-44

1988 > Maurice Allais – The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 1988 – Press Release from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences – Scandinavian Journal of Economics 91 (1), 1-4, 1989

1988 > Maurice Allais – The Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel – Presentation Speech by Professor Ingemar Stahl – The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences – The Nobel Prizes, Presentations, Biographies and Lectures 1988, pp. 339-341

1988 > Report on Maurice Allais’ scientific work by Jean-Michel Grandmont – Scandinavian Journal of Economics 91 (1), 1989, pp. 17-28

1988 > The Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics Sciences – The Work of Professor Maurice Allais, by Liz Hecht – The Nobel Prize Annual 1988 – IMG Publishing, New-York, Chapter 8, pp. 95-105

1989 > Speeches delivered at the celebration of the Nobel Prize in Economics 23 March 1989 at the Sorbonne – Les Annales des Mines, special issue, June 1989 :

  • Opening speech by Jacques Lévy, Directeur de l’École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris
  • L’enseignement et la méthode de Maurice Allais [Maurice Allais’s teaching and method], par Thierry de Montbrial, Professor and Chairan of the Department of Economics at the École polytechnique
  • La théorie de l’efficacité maximale et la théorie générale des surplus de Maurice Allais [Maurice Allais’s theory of maximum efficiency and general theory of surpluses], by Jacques Lesourne, Professor of Economics and Industrial Statistics at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
  • La théorie du capital de Maurice Allais [Maurice Allais and the theory of capital], by Edmond Malinvaud, Professor at the Collège de France
  • La théorie de la décision en avenir risqué de Maurice Allais [Maurice Allais’s Theory of decision-making under risk], by Bertrand Munier, Professor and Director of the Economics and Management Laboratory at the Cachan École Normale Supérieure
  • Maurice Allais : Monnaie, crédit et dynamique monétaire [Maurice Allais – Money, Credit and Monetary dynamics], by Jean-Jacques Durand, Professor at the Economics Faculty of the University of Rennes
  • Maurice Allais : La théorie des probabilités et l’analyse des séries temporelles : Fréquence, probabilité et hasard [Maurice Allais – The theory of probabilities and the analysis of temporal series, probability and chance], by Werner Leinfellner, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Vienna (Austria)
  • Maurice Allais et l’économie appliquée [Maurice Allais and applied economics], by Marcel Boiteux, Hon. President of Electricité de France
  • Maurice Allais et le Corps des Mines [Maurice Allais and the Corps des Mines], by Raymond-H. Lévy, Vice-Président du Conseil général des mines

1989 > Maurice Allais, Promotion X 1931 [Maurice Allais, Polytechnician class of 1931], by Raymond Fischesser, La Jaune et la Rouge, February 1989, pp. 10-13

1989 > Tribute to Maurice Allais, by Roger Dehem, Université Laval, Québec, speech delivered at the Banquet in honour of Maurice Allais, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 1988, at the 29th Annual Congress of the Société Canadienne de Science Economique, Mont-Gabriel, Québec, published in L’Actualité Economique (Société Canadienne de Science Economique), September 1989, pp. 346-350

1989 > Tribute to Maurice Allais, by Camilo Dagum, of the Department of Economics of the University of Ottawa – speech delivered in May 1989 at the University of Ottawa, published in L’Actualité Economique (Société Canadienne de Science Economique), September 1989, pp. 351-356

1989 > Maurice Allais Prix Nobel d’Economie 1988 [Maurice Allais Nobel Economics Laureate 1988], by Marcel Boiteux, Hon. President of Electricité de France, Journal de la Société de Statistique de Paris, 2ème trimestre 1989, pp. 112-115

1990 > The Prize in Economic Science and Maurice Allais”, par Ingemar Stahl, Membre du Comité Nobel de Sciences Economiques, speech delivered at Munich in August 1990 at the Société du Mont-Pèlerin anaul meeting

1990 > Maurice Allais, by Philippe Bourcier de Carbon, Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques, Revue des Deux Mondes, January 1990, pp. 91-105

1993 > Presentation to Maurice Allais of his sword of honour as a member of the Academy, 19th  October 1993 at the Sorbonne, brochure published by the Paris École Nationale Supérieure des Mines, 1993 :

Opening speech by Jacques Lévy, President of the Board of Honour, Director of the École Nationale Supérieure des Mines at Paris

Le parcours de Maurice Allais [The career of Maurice Allais], by Bertrand Munier, Professor at the  Cachan École Normale Supérieure

Maurice Allais et la construction européenne [Maurice Allais and European construction], by Thierry de Montbrial, of the Academy of Moral and Politcial Sciences

L’influence de Maurice Allais [The influence of Maurice Allais], by Jacques Lesourne, Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

La philosophie scientifique de Maurice Allais [The scientific philosophy of Maurice Allais], by Marcel Boiteux, hon. President of Electricité de France

Maurice Allais, un humaniste [Maurice Allais, a humanist], by Raymond Polin, President of the Academy of Moral and Politcial Sciences

1997 > Analysis of the work L’anisotropie de l’espace [The anisotropy of space], by Christian Marchal, Director of Research at the Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales, ONERA – La Jaune et la Rouge, October 1997, pp. 59

2001 > L’Effet Allais est bien une réalité – Les apports de l’éclipse du 11 August 1989 dans le domaine de la gravitation [The Allais Effect is indeed a reality – what we learnt about gravity from the eclipse of 11th August 1989], by Henry Aujard – Fusion, May-June 2001, pp. 58-61